Frontier Set
The Frontier Set brings together 31 educational institutions across the country and supports partners representing the diversity of higher education around ambitious goals for student success through institutional transformation. Frontier Set members have committed to document, collaborate and share best practices to improve not only their individual performance but also spur collective progress. By facilitating knowledge sharing within and across sectors, the Frontier Set helps institutions avoid “reinventing the wheel” of promising practices and instead draws on experience from others about what works and why it works for improving student success.
UNC Greensboro is among six colleges that are part of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) to be selected to participate in the Frontier Set, a project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to improve student outcomes and better prepare new generations of students for the college experience. As part of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities cohort within the Frontier Set, UNCG received funding for four years to support a range of initiatives:
- Spartan StartUp Summer Bridge Program
- Advisors’ Academy
- Transfer Promise Program
- Math Pathways