UNCG Academic Advising Council

The Academic Advising Council is a cross-functional group of academic advising professionals and administrators who oversee the development and implementation of undergraduate advising at UNCG. 

The Council is convened by the Assistant Dean of Advising & Student Success within the Division of Student Success, and is co-chaired with an advising center director that rotates annually. 

Voting members include at least one representative from each school or college advising center. Representatives from several valuable campus partners serve as ex-officio members and attend Advising Council meetings at designated times throughout the academic year. 

A complete Advising Council roster is available below, along with the school, college, or administrative unit they represent:

Gail Pack[email protected]Bryan School of Business & Economics
Nancy Bucknall        [email protected]College of Arts & Sciences
Caitlin Saraphis[email protected]College of Arts & Sciences
Kristin Rusboldt[email protected]College of Visual & Performing Arts
Abigail Hart  [email protected]College of Visual & Performing Arts
Ciara Marable[email protected]School of Education
Erin Fox[email protected]School of Health & Human Sciences
Philip Simpson[email protected]School of Nursing
Britt Flanagan[email protected]School of Nursing
Heather Searcy[email protected]Students First Office
Angie Allred[email protected]Angie AllredStudents First Office

VACANTVACANTDOSS Academic Support Programs
Eric Toler[email protected]Lloyd International Honors College
Roberta McDevitt[email protected]Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
Angi Kinsey[email protected]Online Program Directors
Katie Tucker[email protected]SOAR and YFY Programming
Erin Slater[email protected]Undergraduate Admissions
Raina Barnett[email protected]University Registrar’s Office
Melissa Dawson[email protected]UNCG Athletics

Academic Advising Council Strategic Areas of Focus

Every academic year, the Advising Council identifies 3-4 strategic areas that will be the focus of the Council’s work to continually improve advising at UNCG. Working groups convene outside of the recurring Advising Council meetings to lead the development of these initiatives:

Charge: This group’s focus is to investigate and make recommendations for a standard advising caseload range for professional advisors as part of a broader strategy to address increasing concerns about workload management and advisor burnout.

Working Group Lead: Jessica Quattrucci, Bryan School of Business & Economics

Charge: This group’s focus is to develop a primary advisor onboarding plan that can be standardized and implemented across all school/college and administrative areas, for both professional and faculty advisors.

Working Group Lead: Kristin Rusboldt, College of Visual & Performing Arts

Charge: This group is continuing work initially started in Academic Year 22-23 but paused due to the University’s announced MS365 migration. This working group’s focus is identifying a platform and process that will allow for advising notes and records to be shared across centers/units/depts as students change their major and interact with our various offices.

Working Group Lead: Caitlin Saraphis, College of Arts & Sciences

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