The Office of TRIO programs currently house Student Support Services (SSS) Classic, SSS STEM-Health Sciences, and the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program. These federally funded programs serve undergraduate students who are first-generation, low-income, students with disabilities (SSS), be a member of a underrepresented group in graduate education (McNair only).

The UNCG TRIO McNair Scholars Program is a research program that prepares undergraduates for doctoral studies and the achievement of the PhD. Scholars complete a program with faculty and TRIO McNair Staff. Scholars receive a stipend at the end of their research.

Designed to prepare undergraduate students for the pursuit of a Ph.D., the UNCG-McNair Scholars Program (UNCG-McNair) provides 25 UNCG undergraduate students with opportunities to complete research with faculty mentors, attend the UNCG-McNair Summer Research Institute, explore graduate school options, and prepare for graduate-level studies. Ultimately, the goal of UNCG-McNair – and all Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Programs – is to diversify faculty demographics across the nation by providing experience and training to students typically underrepresented in the academy.

Student Support Services is a TRiO support program designed to maximize academic performance for UNCG students who are first-generation college students, from modest income backgrounds based on US Department of Education guidelines, or who have a documented disability registered with OARS, and who also demonstrate academic need for services.

SSS Classic serves over 200 undergraduate students in all majors and at all levels.

SSS STEM-Health Sciences (STEM-H) serves approximately 120 undergraduate students pursuing majors in academic disciplines related to science, technology, engineering, and math.

Students in both programs receive support throughout college to graduation and beyond.

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