PAL Symbol

Peer Academic Leaders (PALs) serve new students as advocates, teaching assistants, and mentors in the FYE 101: Succeed at the G class, a MAC Foundations course. Peer Academic Leaders are crucial to student success both in and out of the classroom, by providing essential support and guidance to new students as they navigate the challenges of their first year.

  • Help students adjust and excel academically and personally by becoming aware of resources in order to appropriately connect students
  • Serve as a peer mentor for academic, co-curricular, and leadership involvement through communication of events and initiatives on campus
  • Assist their FYE Instructor(s) in engaging students and classroom management
  • Independently teach/instruct at least one class session on a topic relevant to first-year student success and transition
  • Serve as a liaison for first-year students and the FYE Instructor to create an open and honest dialogue
  • Attend all class meetings for their assigned FYE 101: Succeed at the G course
  • Conduct 1-on-1 meetings with all students enrolled in your assigned FYE 101 course
  • Plan out-of-class experiences for students to connect with the UNCG community

FYE 101: Succeed at the G is a three-credit, 15-week transition seminar for new first-year in their first semester at UNC Greensboro. This course gives students the opportunity to explore personal development opportunities, gain skills essential to academic success, and discover and connect with their new community. You can learn more about the course here.

PALs are students who are organized, resourceful, responsible, and flexible. They must be passionate about helping new students succeed in their first semester here at UNCG.

PALs are chosen based on their interpersonal, academic, and leadership skills, along with their campus involvement.

PALs must maintain a minimum of a 2.75 cumulative grade point average; with a 3.0 GPA is preferred. PALs must also be in good standing with the University.

PALs must complete a minimum of 12 semester hours at UNCG by the beginning of the fall 2024 semester.

Applications will open up in November 2024.

The new PAL application is now open! The deadline to submit the application is Sunday, January 28th at 11:55pm. Use job code #8391115 to apply. To complete the application, you must apply on Handshake and upload the completed supplemental application document. The interview process will contain two rounds, including a group and individual interview. Final selections and announcements will be made by Wednesday, February 21st.

Interested in learning more about the PAL role? Check out our upcoming interest sessions!

  • Monday, November 27th, 1-2 p.m. (EUC Azalea)
  • Tuesday, November 28, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. (Virtual)
  • Wednesday, January 10, 5 – 6 p.m. (Virtual)
  • Tuesday, January 16, 3 – 4 p.m. (EUC Azalea)
  • Monday, January 22, 3 – 4 p.m. (EUC Azalea)
  • Friday, January 26, 1 – 2 p.m. (EUC Dogwood)

For any questions, please contact Ana Castillo-Alaniz, Coordinator for First Year Experience, at [email protected]

Do you know of a student who you think would make a great PAL? Please click here to nominate them using our Microsoft Form.

FYE 201: Lead at the G is a training course designed to help our PALs develop the leadership skills needed to foster academic success and serve as effective peer mentors for new students in transition. PALs will learn about key resources and explore topics related to student development theory, leadership theory, pedagogy, and personal development.

This course is a requirement for PALs in the Spring Semester occurring weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00 to 6:15 PM beginning after spring break.

FYE 201 thoroughly prepares PALs to confidently enter their role in the FYE 101: Succeed at the G classroom!.

  • 100% of PALs agreed being in the FYE 201: Lead at the G course was a positive experience.
  • 100% of PALs agreed being in the FYE 201: Lead at the G course was a rewarding experience.
  • 100% of PALs believed the FYE 201: Lead at the G course had a positive impact on them.

“One key takeaway was how important my role is. I am here to lead students and give them the information they need to have a good first year.” – 2023 PAL

“I enjoyed the course very much. It was a fun learning experience and it makes me more excited to enter the school year in the Fall as a PAL.” – 2023 PAL

“I loved it! I really enjoyed getting to know all the new PALs and it made me even more excited to continue being a PAL.” – 2023 PAL

Fast Facts

  • 96.5% of students believed that their PAL genuinely cared about them as a student
  • 100% of PALs would recommend the position
  • 100% of PALs reported feeling supported by their FYE 101 Instructors
  • 100% of PALs reported having a high level of satisfaction in their role
  • 100% of PALs agreed that they were properly equipped to do their jobs well
Alex Little

“Being a PAL has changed my life in so many ways! It pushed me to do better as a student, professional, and person. Not only have I been able to grow as a professional with the skills I developed, but I really found my calling for working with students. The PAL role has let me connect with some really amazing people, including some of my closest friends. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity (and the privilege) of being a PAL for the past 2 years!”

-Alex Little, Returner PAL

Jonathan Awa

“As I learned more about what a PAL was and the impact I would be making on first-year students, my reasons for wanting the job completely changed. My goal was to make students feel as comfortable as I could possibly make them with the class, University, and me as a PAL.”

-Jonathan Awa, Returner PAL

“I became attracted to the PAL position because of the leadership opportunity. After hearing from fellow peers about the amazing impact PAL has had on their leadership ability and confidence, I knew I had to be part of this great opportunity. I remembered my first year and how difficult it was to become accustomed to college life and a new setting. PAL would provide me with an opportunity to help other students who were once in a similar position and be a kind mentor to them.”

-Maggie Seye, Returner PAL


“The PAL role has definitely helped me grow personally and professionally. I am much more confident in myself in how I present myself in front of people and I feel better prepared going forward in my education and in my future profession. The PAL role has a focus on transferable skills so no matter what you end up doing, being a PAL can help you to be successful!”

-Ivan Tarpley, Returner PAL


“I have seen my public speaking skills improve tremendously. I have also seen my capacity to grow connections with people from many different backgrounds increase. Professionally, I have learned how to identify the transferable skills in the PAL role as well as others. I have also learned what it looks like to be a mentor and leader, someone who people actually desire to follow.”

-Karis Sustar, Returner PAL


“I have grown in my ability to increase engagement with the university for myself and others while also gaining the ability to handle adverse situations. Professionally this has built my resume and helped me give back to UNCG!”

-Andreeck Aguilar, Returner PAL


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